Saturday, March 30, 2013

Simple ADB Backup Backs Up Your Android Phone from the Desktop, No Root Required

UPDATE! now there is a even easier way to do it with Holo Backup Here

Windows/Linux/Android (4.0+): Most Android backup tools require root, or run from your phone and save your data to your SD card. Simple ADB Backup is different. The app runs from and backs up your phone's data to your desktop, and does it all without root.
To use Simple ADB Backup, you'll need USB Debugging Mode enabled on your Android device (Go to Settings > Developer, enable developer options, then enable USB debugging) and the utility installed on your desktop. That's about it: just plug in your phone, launch the app on your Windows or Linux system, and choose a backup option. You have the option to back up your entire device, just apps, all data with or without system apps, or even a single app if you choose.
The app also lets you restore backed up data to your device. Before you back up, you'll be prompted to generate a password you'll also have to type into the app on your phone before the backup can begin, but after that, the process runs smoothly. It's extremely simple, completely free, and doesn't require you root first. We still think that Titanium Backup is a more feature-filled app if you're willing to root (especially if you want a bulletproof backup system for your Android), and MyBackup Pro is great if you're migrating to a new phone and don't want a desktop as a middleman, but Simple ADB Backup is free and so easy to use that even Android beginners can easily and quickly back up their important data.
Simple ADB Backup is the work of XDA developer omegavesko, who's released it for free over at the XDA Developer forums. Hit the link below to download it there.


Friday, March 29, 2013

Get Linux

Get Linux is a portable and open source download client, which interacts with a server side library for downloading numerous Linux-based operating systems. With the help of this utility, you can download more than 100 Linux distributions, by simply selecting their name from the available list. This makes it easy to obtain the most updated Linux OS, without having to manually search and download the ISO file via a browser.

Appupdater for windows

Appupdater provides advanced functionality to Windows, similar to apt-get or yum on Linux. It automates the process of installing and maintaining up to date versions of programs. It is fully customizable for use in a corporate environment.

problem steps recorder for windows

 un psr in run / search in Windows

You can use Problem Steps Recorder to automatically capture the steps you take on a computer, including a text description of where you clicked and a picture of the screen during each click (called a screen shot). Once you capture these steps, you can save them to a file that can be used by a support professional or someone else helping you with a computer problem.


  • When you record steps on your computer, anything you type will not be recorded. If what you type is an important part of recreating the problem you're trying to solve, use the comment feature described below to highlight where the problem is occurring.
    Some programs, like a full-screen game, might not be captured accurately or might not provide useful details to a support professional.

To record and save steps on your computer

  1. Open Problem Steps Recorder by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, and then typing psr. In the list of results, click psr.
  2. Click Start Record. On your computer, go through the steps on your computer to reproduce the problem. You can pause the recording at any time, and then resume it later.
  3. Click Stop Record.
  4. In the Save As dialog box, type a name for the file, and then click Save (the file is saved with the .zip file name extension).
    To view the record of the steps you recorded, open the .zip file you just saved, and then double-click the file. The document will open in your browser.

To send the problem steps in e‑mail

  • After recording and saving a .zip file, click the help down arrow Picture of help down arrow, and then click Send to E‑mail recipient. This will open an e‑mail message in your default e‑mail program with the last recorded file attached to it.


    • You won't be able to click the Send to e‑mail recipient option until you've recorded and saved a file.

To annotate problem steps

  1. Open Problem Steps Recorder by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, and then typing psr. In the list of results, click psr.
  2. Click Start Record.
  3. When you want to add a comment, click Add Comment.
  4. Use your mouse to highlight the part of the screen that you want to comment on, type your text in the Highlight Problem and Comment box, and then click OK.
  5. Click Stop Record.
  6. In the Save As dialog box, type a name for the file, and then click Save.
    To view the record of the steps you recorded, open the .zip file you just saved, and then double-click the file. The document will open in your browser.

To adjust settings

When you adjust settings for Problem Steps Recorder, they're only saved for your current session. After you close and reopen Problem Steps Recorder, it will return to the regular settings.
  1. Open Problem Steps Recorder by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, and then typing psr. In the list of results, click psr.
  2. Click the help down arrow Picture of help down arrow, and then click Settings.
  3. You can change the following settings for Problem Steps Recorder:
    • Output Location. If you don't want to be prompted to save a file after recording, click the Browse button to set a default output file name.
    • Enable screen capture. If you don't want to capture the screen shots along with the click information, select No. This might be a consideration if you are taking screen shots of a program that contains personal information, such as bank statements, and you are sharing the screen shots with someone else.
    • Number of recent screen captures to store. While the default is 25 screens, you can increase or decrease the number of screen shots. Problem Steps Recorder only records the default number of screen shots. For example, if you took 30 screen shots during a recording but only had 25 screen shots as the default, you would be missing the first five screen shots. In this case, you would want to increase the number of default screen shots. 
